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Sister Christina Manger

You only got 3 choices in life: Give up, Give In, or Give it all you got.


I have been a volunteer in the LGBTQ community since 1996, I was an HIV Counselor at Nelson Tebedo and I was on the AIDS Arms LifeWalk steering committee before I became a DFW Sister. My partner and I have been together since 1990, we have a home in the suburbs.


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Big Sister

Sister Bertha Sinn


Sister Bertha Sinn


December 4th, 2011


I have many friends that are HIV positive and have never been afraid of this. I have been involved in counseling and testing for years. A few years back I was involved with Aids Arms Life Walk as Co-Chair and was ask if I would do a mock HIV test on someone while being filmed. I was ok with this and the person being tested was ok with this. This person was a long time friend. We went to the Peabody Health Clinic with a film crew and set up for this mock counseling and testing event. I performed the test while being filmed and started the test. Simple enough you would think. We all went out to the lobby everyone said their good bye. I went back to the exam room to clean up and that is the moment I found my calling. I have known my long time friend was positive but when I looked at that test it became a reality for me and I fell apart. I have been searching for my calling ever since that moment and when I met the sister at LifeWalk last October 2010. I then found what I was searching for.


Little Sisters

Sister Devlyn Redd, Sister Eyna Inndo, Sister Karen Love, Postulant Athena Putty Tat


Novice Sister Tatiana Thunder Snatch (Tulsa), Novice Sister Poppy Bea Enya and Sister Karen Love, Sister Patty O'Furniture, Guard Bear Arthur

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