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Sister Vera SaTile
Princess of WOOF!, & stuff, & things.
I am a Sister, a chef, an artist, a singer, a lover, a fighter, a brother, a friend. Through perseverance, scholarship, and unity; you can do & BE anything you desire. So take it!!
“ If you got a chance take it. Take it while you got a chance. If you got a dream chase it. Because I dream wont chase you back.” - Cody Johnson ‘Til You Can’t’
Big Sister
Sister Blanche Dividian
Sister Merrianne Bright
June 12, 2022
Inclusion is learned as a child on the playground. My goal is to equip all junior elementary schools in DISD with playgrounds that are equipped with surfacing and inclusive playground equipment so that children of every ability can play, grow, & learn.
Little Sisters
Novice Sister Alexandra ShiBaraKu
Guard Bear Arthur
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