Meet Us

Board Officers
The board officers of the DFW Sisters are Fully Professed sisters, which are the backbone of the Order. They serve the general membership and have no authority outside that granted to them by the General Membership, but they have special responsibilities.

Lola Hangers
Mistress of Protocol
Mistress Archives
Mistress of Rituals & Ceremonies
Fully Professed
Fully Professed Members of the Order have all of the rights and privileges of a Member: they may vote, represent the Order and manifest as they feel called to do so. Fully Professed Members also may hold office and help shape the direction and development of the Order. Our Fully Professed Members serve the Order in many different roles; taken as a whole, they make the Order what it is.

More Members of our House
Novices and Postulants are junior members who have begun their journey towards fully professed sisters and guards.The Altar Guild is a special volunteer lay organization of men and women who are not members of the house, but provide invaluable support by serving the Sisters and Guards during planned events.
An Archangel is a layperson whose life and accomplishments are in keeping with the Order’s philosophy and mission. They have gone above and beyond in their service to both the LGBTQIA2S+ community as well as significant contributions to the Order.
A Saint is a layperson whose life and accomplishments are in keeping with the Order’s philosophy and mission. They have gone above and beyond in their service to the community.
An Angel is a layperson who has made a huge contribution to the Order. These people have contributed to our paths as sisters helping us to become a stronger house and support the community.
A member of the DFW Sisters who needs to be away from House events and responsibilities for more than 2 years, but who does not want to give up their Sister persona.
Sisters who have passed through the veil and joined the Nuns of the Above. Our admiration to each of them for being trailblazers and inspiration in the work we do today. We are comforted in knowing that they are sprinkling glitter blessings on us whenever they get a chance.